Question 60:    What becomes of our US citizenship?

Short Answer: It is ours to keep.  Dual citizenship has been recognized by the Supreme Court, and properly obtained, it can’t be revoked without the individual requesting such.

 Question 61:    Who is eligible for Vieques citizenship?

Short Answer: Primarily, all those who were domiciled here at birth or are currently domiciled as of a specific date.

Expanded Answer:     Provisions could be made for former residents, property owners, business owners, etc.

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Question 62:    Do we need to coin our own money and manage a monetary system?

Short Answer: No, we can use the US dollar as our currency of choice.  If at some point we wished to change to something else, that could be done.

Question 63:    What about the Olympics and other international competitions?

Short Answer: We are totally eligible to compete.

Expanded Answer:     The range of events and pageantry is substantial.

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Question 64:    Will people have the right to work in the field or career of their choosing?

Short Answer: Yes, there will be no over-protective licensing requirements. Skill certification may be required for certain specialties. Reciprocity will be granted for most skills.

Question 65:    As systems are redesigned and more contractors are used, will current employees be terminated?

Short Answer: While the employer may shift from a government entity to a private contractor, the intent is to utilize existing staff to the greatest extent possible. The range of jobs will broaden, and the gross number will increase. Existing employees have important and useful data about all of our current systems and their histories.


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